Wednesday, October 28, 2009

E-Wise: Mortal Kombat

In my teen years, I settled every fight with my fist and kicks.

When I was in my 20's I silenced my opponents with my sharp tongue.

Now that I'm in my 30's, I don't fight. Because I realised nothing in this world is worth fighting for.

Just let go

1 comment:

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Love that you are for peace!!!!! So much better to be at peace with all than to scrap, and climb in order to grasp and clutch what we cannot keep...You are truly a deep thinker!!!! And I so admire that!!! I'm am so happy to "meet" you, and will thoroughly look forward to getting to know you better...just the small taste I've had this morning of your blog tells me that we are going to be great friends!!! ~Janine XO